PandeVITA Newsletter | Feburary 2023

PandeVITA Newsletter | Feburary 2023


Hello ,

PandeVITA has had a number of events and achievements between the years. There was a very successful live video talk about cybersecurity and data processing in the health sector. We thank all guests and viewers for this wonderful event!


Our development team has also been busy working on the PandeVITA dashboard and app, so we can present new features in this newsletter. In addition, there were several focus group events in different countries regarding the dashboard and the app.


In June, our PandeVITA conference will begin. The call for papers has now started and we are excited for it. All in all, a lot has happened and we are looking forward to the final months of this project!


For questions, please write us an e-mail or contact us via social media!


Lutz Peschke (coordinator)
Noemi Kolloch, Janina Scholz for the PandeVITA consortium




The PandeVITA app has received another update. These new functions are intended to strengthen the gamification aspect of the application even more, as well as to emphasise the relation to the dashboard. There is now a story format where short messages about the pandemic are displayed. These are generated by the PandeVITA dashboard.

There is also a quiz where users can answer questions about the pandemic and COVID-19. The users can collect points here, which are then displayed in the high score. The radar system has also been expanded. Here, users must avoid viruses and instead collect masks and vaccine to protect themselves. The randomly generated points now occur at a higher interval, so that the gaming aspect was increased here as well. Overall, these new functions will be tested in the pilot phase of the app in the coming months. The aim is to check whether the new updates can impress the user in a positive way.


TIn December 2022 the first PandeVITA video talk took place. The video talk was about cybersecurity and data processing in the health sector and over 100 international online viewers watched the video live talk.


Prof. Dr. Seldağ Günes Peschke represented PandeVITA and explained the results of the PandeVITA study on women in the pandemic and discussed them with the invited guests. The guests were experts in data law such as Prof. Dr. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer (German legal scholar and Director of the Institute for Media Law and Communications Law at the University of Cologne), in patient advocacy such as Michal Rataj (member of the European Patients Forum) and in communication such as Sonia Jawaid Shaikh (Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at the University of Amsterdam). More video live talks will take place this year and will be stated via social media and the website.


The international PandeVITA conference “Sustainable collaboration processes in pandemic times” in Ankara will be executed as the final event of the Horizon2020 project PandeVITA funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101006316). The conference wants to bring academicians and practitioners together to discuss approaches, results and experiences in the context of sustainable knowledge exchange from different perspectives. Papers from all disciplines and systems are welcome which contribute to better preparedness for the next pandemic and beyond.


Deadline for abstract submission is 31 March. There is no registration fee, only a registration form which can be fill out here. Accepted papers will be published in an international proceeding book.



Between January and February, several focus group events started in the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey. Participants with diverse backgrounds were asked to interact with the PandeVITA dashboard and the PandeVITA app.The focus group events showed that citizen participation in such projects are essential and that the demand for projects like PandeVITA are high. However, this kind of projects must be clearly communicated, just like science communication itself.


Overall, the focus group events were a prelude to the large pilot phase of the PandeVITA app in the coming months. Here, the app will be tested over a longer period of time and by more participants. The experiences of the participants and thus the results of the pilot study will then be examined and published.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006316.