Welcome to PandeVITA


handyThe PandeVITA project is working on a platform and smartphone app for a more efficient knowledge transfer between citizens, scientists, politics and economy in pandemic crises on a global level.



euThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006316.



The Status Quo

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is the first pandemic after the penetration of the society with smartphones, there are no sufficient experiences and understanding how to engage citizens in information and scientific processes which creates public awareness and responsibilities according to scientific needs. This includes the question how to avoid misinformation based on increasing information that is needed in times of crises.

The Crisis we, as a world community, have to face and to deal with is in a large part a crisis of information.


Our Objective

PandeVITA will develop a platform which will encourage people to support scientific communities with gathered data about mobility, communication behavior, information needs and basic health information for the evaluation of mobility and communication patterns during ‘normal’ life and during pandemic crisis situations.

PandeVITA will analyze communication processes, socio-economic impacts and cost-effectiveness, and legal sanctions in different countries with the help of different case studies.

The Project uses an interaction of methods:

Bottom-Up Approach: PandeVITA enables citizens to gather data for scientific experts needed for accurate and efficient research to combat pandemics.

User Generated Content Production: PandeVITA motivates citizen by supplying specific and effective recommendations and generates social awareness and responsible behaviour.

Quadruple Helix Collaboration: PandeVITA embeds the knowledge exchange between citizens and science in the quadruple helix which includes politics and economy as well.

Maximum of Transparency: PandeVITA guarantees the responsible usage and handling with personal data according to European ethical standards and creates a new concept of RRI standards.

Blueprints for Future Action: PandeVITA analyses the processes of knowledge transfer and collaborations between science and society and the impacts of sanctions and mobile apps.

The Consortium unites interdisciplinary and international expert knowledge. It consists of seven partners from five different countries:


Credits: Icons made by srip and Freepik from Flaticon

The PandeVITA consortium consists of seven partners from five different countries


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006316.