Closing Event of PandeVITA
June 28, 2023 in Brussels (Belgium)
The closing event of PandeVITA was held by the German Association of Towns and Municipalities and the PandeVITA consortium in the office of the DStGB in Brussels. The aim of the event was to discuss the results, steps and possible follow-up actions of PandeVITA.
PandeVITA Conference - Sustainable Collaboration Processes in Pandemic Times
June 8-9, 2023 in Ankara (Turkey)
The international PandeVITA conference “Sustainable collaboration processes in pandemic times” in Ankara will took place as the final event of the Horizon2020 project PandeVITA. The conference brought together academicians and practitioners to discuss approaches, results and experiences in the context of sustainable knowledge exchange from different perspectives. There were interesting keynotes about “Innovation Trends in Higher Education and the Economy” or “COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare research ecosystem”, as well as the Walk of Art at the End of Year Exhibition of COMD. Many people followed the interesting keynotes and the exciting panel discussions referring to Quintuple Helix Collaborations in Pandemic times, Art and Humanities, Digitality in Pandemic communication processes and Pandemic times from legal perspectives.
PandeVITA Talk
January 4 – May 30, 2023 in Ankara (Turkey)
Between January and May, a total of four live talks were held with viewers both on site and online. The talks dealt with the topics "Data Processing in the Health Sector", "How are we going today? Mental Health in the Post-COVID time", "Impact on Gender Equality: What is the Lesson Learnt?" and "The Reliability of News in Pandemic Times". In the Live Talks, PandeVITA researchers were able to discuss the results of the project with renowned external researchers on the respective topics. The audience was also involved through live polls.
European Parliament Session about Pandemic Management and Preparedness
March 21, 2023 in Brussel (Belgium)
Coordinator Lutz Peschke was able to present the results of PandeVITA in a European Parliament Session about “Pandemic Management and Preparedness: Telemedicine and the Role of Innovative Technologies in Securing a Safer Future” in the aspect of “Innovation and technology as gateways for a safer and healthier future” and “The impact of COVID-19 and lessons learned”. The event was organised by EAMBES and the host was Stelios Kympouropoulos, Member of the European Parliament (EPP, Greece). To conclude the event, the most important points from the session were summarised. These will be passed on to relevant key stakeholders in European institutions and member states as well as a letter to the European Commission. Also, Parliamentary Question are being be drafted by supporting MEPs.
PandeVITA focus group events
Janurary - Feburary, 2023 in Turkey, Germany and the Netherlands
Between January and February, several focus group events started in the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey. Participants with diverse backgrounds were asked to interact with the PandeVITA dashboard and the PandeVITA app.The focus group events showed that citizen participation in such projects are essential and that the demand for projects like PandeVITA are high. However, this kind of projects must be clearly communicated, just like science communication itself. Overall, the focus group events were a prelude to the large pilot phase of the PandeVITA app in the coming months. Here, the app will be tested over a longer period of time and by more participants. The experiences of the participants and thus the results of the pilot study will then be examined and published.
3rd PandeVITA Project Meeting
December 15/16, 2022 in Barcelona (Spain)
All project participants reported on the progress of their work packages. Subsequently, new measures were decided for the remaining project duration. The main focus here was the development status of the PandeVITA dashboard and the PandeVITA app and their implementation in the upcoming field study in the various project partner countries. The upcoming meetings in Brussels and Ankara were also discussed, as well as the publication and presentation of further papers.
1st PandeVITA Review Meeting
June 20, 2022 in virtual
After 15 months, the 1st PandeVITA Review Meeting was completed in which all the results of the work packages were presented to the project officer and a European reviewer. They paid particular attention to whether the PandeVITA members had fulfilled all the requirements. Lutz Peschke and the PandeVITA team prepared and gave an intensive presentation on the work packages, which was well received by the reviewers. In the first 15 months PandeVITA created new knowledge about the nature of society's information needs in times of pandemic crisis in order to improve innovation and decision-making processes in collaboration with stakeholders from economy and politics. Overall, the review was successful and there was a lot of positive feedback. The good results of the review show that the project is on the upcoming months.
Privacy Symposium: Conference on data protection and compliance workshop
April 4-7, 2022 in Venice (Italy)
As part of the Privacy Symposium in Venice, the PandeVITA consortium organized a workshop on "Health Data Protection and Compliance" together with Sébastien Ziegler, International President of the IoT Forum and the European Centre for Certification and Data Protection, and other Horizon research projects. The aim of the symposium was to disseminate the results of the first half of the project and to discuss them with peers. The conference, which comprised 78 sessions, featured 245 data protection experts, including national authorities, European institutions and international organizations. It brought together some 500 registered participants and 350 remote participants, in line with the aim of promoting international dialogue, cooperation and knowledge sharing. During the conference, PandeVITA members such as Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva and Frans Folkvord (Open Evidence), Leandro Pecchia (EAMBES), Giuseppe Fico and Eugenio Gaeta (both UPM) and Seldağ Güneş Peschke (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazit University) presented their research results.
Symposium: Human Rights in Pandemic Times
December 8-9, 2021 in Ankara (Turkey)
Prof. Dr. Seldağ Günes Peschke gave a presentation at the “The Symposium of Human Rights in the Pandemic Times" organized by the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. The developments during the pandemic period regarding human rights were discussed from many perspectives.
Prof. Dr. Seldağ Günes Peschke, Head of Comparative Law, presented the paper titled "A New Perspective on Personal Data During The Pandemic Period: Case Analysis From Different Countries" which was prepared by Prof. Dr. Seldağ Günes Peschke, Dr. Lutz Peschke, Dr. Yasin Aydogdu and Res. Assist. Aybeniz Aklan. The paper consisted of the pandemic period, new practices and legal regulations regarding personal data with various examples from different countries in the context of public interest, public health and human rights.
Conference on Economy and Pandemics
December 2-3, 2021 in Pitesti (Romania)
Members of the PandeVITA consortium are joined a conference on economy and COVID-19 in December. Being one of the dimensions of the PandeVITA project, the economic and financial policies of the countries during the pandemic process will be measured and analyzed. In this direction, within the scope of the relevant dimension, the study titled “The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Macroeconomic Indicators: The Case of Turkey” prepared by project coordinator Lutz Peschke and researchers Nildag Basak Ceylan and Ayhan Kapusuzoglu was presented at the "7th Emerging Trends and Approaches in Knowledge based Economy Creative Thinking and Innovation in Multi-crisis Environment: Before and After the Pandemic", which is organized by the University of Pitesti, Faculty of Economics and Law in Romania.
Prof. Dr. Nildag Basak Ceylan and Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kapusuzoğlu were awarded with the Best Presenter Award by the hosting Faculty of Economics and Law. Congratulations!
1st International Personal Data Protection Congress
November 12-14, 2021 in Istanbul (Turkey)
The Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University team of the PandeVITA Project presented their research results on the 1st International Personal Data Protection Congress "Developments in Turkey and the World" which was organised by the Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK), Istanbul University Faculty of Law and Turkish-German University Faculty of Law.
The presentation titled "PersonalData Processing Activities Through ‘Hayat Eve Sığar’ Applicatıon and the Compliance of These Activities with Legislatıon of Personal Data Protectıon" was presented by Project Coordinator Lutz Peschke, Project Executive Seldağ Güneş Peschke, Assistant Professor Yasin Aydoğdu and Research Assistant Aybeniz Aklan at the Istanbul University Campus.
The presentation, which was broadcast live on YouTube simultaneously, was watched by 780 people online. The video is available here. In addition, the presentation will be published as a book chapter in January 2022.
Conference on Media & Communication Research
July 11-15, 2021 in virtual Nairobi (Kenia)
Lutz Peschke, Seldag Günes Peschke and their teams from Bilkent University and Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University presented the results about "Reward mechanism in COVID-19 tracking apps and its impact on voluntary participation of the public inside quintuple helix collaboration processes" on the IAMCR 2021 conference (International Association for Media and Communication Research) which were executed online and in Nairobi in Juli 2021. In this paper, COVID-19 tracking apps of different countries were analysed according to their reward mechanisms and its correlation to the voluntary participation. The protection of voluntariness is understood as the fundamental need for ethical use of CTAs. Accordingly, patterns of voluntariness were examined in the context of legal, ethical privacy and security policies of selected CTAs. The paper provided categories and criteria for CTA usage and its impact on citizen engagement in the Quintuple Helix collaboration process.
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
July 24-29, 2021 in virtual Washington (USA)
The 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, organized and run as a virtual conference in Washington, focused on challenging and innovative areas such as HCI theories, methods and practices. During this conference, the main topics of discussion are design methods and techniques, design thinking methodology, user experience, gamification techniques, human-technology symbiosis, human-environment interactions and ethics and privacy and security, among others.
The paper presented in this conference ‘HCI challenges in designing Pandemic Trace Application for the Effective Knowledge Transfer Between Science and Society Inside the Quadruple Helix Collaboration’ describes the main difficulties and challenges that during the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged and the plans to face them from an HCI point of view. It was presented by Giuseppe Fico (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in the "Quality in Interaction" section.
During the pandemic, the lack of communication among the quadruple helix members and the rapid dissemination of fake news, have made decision-taking more difficult and slower, favoring a rapid spread of the virus. Taking into account this scenario, the goal of the PandeVITA project is to create a technological solution that facilitates and speeds the participation of the quadruple helix members in the data generation and knowledge transfer while ensuring data privacy, data veracity, transparency and trustiness. To meet this goal and exploiting the high penetration of smartphones and their growing trend, the PandeVITA solution will be composed of a platform, a mobile application and a dashboard. Also, to promote citizens engagement, PandeVITA integrates Behavioural change methodologies and nudge strategies such as extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that include game elements.
Second PandeVITA Project Meeting
Sept. 2/3, 2021 in virtual Bonn (Germany)
The partners presented the progress of their work packages in a virtual meeting. The next steps concerning field studies and the PandeVITA conference in 2022 were discussed.
Hosted by the german partner iserundschmidt.
PandeVITA Kick-Off Meeting
February 11-12, 2021 in virtual Ankara (Turkey)
The consortium members met virtually due to the circumstances.
Welcome remarks were held by: Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar (Rector Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey), Dr. Ömer Fatih Sayan (Vice Minister, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure), Linden Farrer (Policy Officer, European Commission, Brussels/Belgium), Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal (President TÜBITAK, Ankara/Turkey) and Dr. Dr. Lutz Peschke (Coordinator PandeVITA).
After an introduction of the partners the work packages were presented and discussed.