During the project, various papers, studies and reports were conducted and published. These are publicly available and can be found here.
Comparative case studies about decisions and sanctions of politics during the COVID-19 pandemic considering legal and ethical frameworks of different countries, not yet approved by the European Commission
Report about gender aspects in the COVID-19 crisis, not yet approved by the European Commission
Policy Brief “Gender Aspects in the COVID-19 Crisis, not yet approved by the European Commission
The Evaluation of The Effects of The Pandemic Period on Women - Through A Focus Group Study, not yet approved by the European Commission
A high‑resolution temporal and geospatial content analysis of Twitter posts related to the COVID‑19 pandemic of Twitter posts related to the COVID‑19 pandemic, not yet approved by the European Commission
Report about societal voluntariness of participation and trust in knowledge exchange between science and society during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, not yet approved by the European Commission
Policy Brief of WP3 “Development of criteria, recommendations and indicators for the interaction of society with science in times of pandemic crisis”, not yet approved by the European Commission
PandeVITA app (SW), not yet approved by the European Commission
PandeVITA Platform and dashboard (SW), not yet approved by the European Commission
PandeVITA user manuals, not yet approved by the European Commission
Deployment report of pilot system and technical specifications, not yet approved by the European Commission
Pilot operation report, not yet approved by the European Commission
Final evaluation and exploitation report, not yet approved by the European Commission
Conference in Ankara: International PandeVITA Conference “Sustainable Collaboration Processes in Pandemic Times”, June 8-9, 2023, not yet approved by the European Commission
Report on Conferences and Talk Events, not yet approved by the European Commission
Video Talk Events, not yet approved by the European Commission
Market analysis, not yet approved by the European Commission
Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA), not yet approved by the European Commission